memutar ke samping bahasa Inggris
- memutar: rev; revved; revving; spanning; spin; spinned;
- ke: go to; on; on the floor; onto; to; into; unto;
- ke samping: aside
- samping: flank; side; waist; edge; hip; beside; rim;
- delegasi ke samping: lateral delegation; sidewise delegation
- hubungan-hubungan ke samping: lateral relations
- integrasi ke samping: lateral integration
- jungkir ke samping: cartwheel
- ke arah samping: sideward(s)
- komunikasi ke samping: lateral communication
- membuang langkah ke samping: sidestep
- mendorong ke samping: shove aside; shoved aside; shoving aside
- memutar: rev; revved; revving; spanning; spin; spinned; spinning; spun; turn; turn the corner; turned; turned the corner; turning; turning the corner; whirled; whirling; wind; winded; winded up; winding up;
- samping: flank; side; waist; edge; hip; beside; rim; shore; next to
- jalan memutar: long way round; detour